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Al Bayt Stadium
Year : 2018 | Client : Galfar/PSC/Leonardo | Category : Evaptech/Puroflux/Ecotherm/Bluebox
Contribution : Cooling Tower / Sand Separator / Electric Water Heater / CRAC unit
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- Evaptech – Field Erected Cooling Tower
- 2 Nos. of EC338-538T (41,000 TR)
- Puroflux – Sand Separator
- 2 Nos of PF-63-100-DC
- Ecotherm – Electric Water Heaters / Pumps / Expansion Tank
- 3 Nos. of EEHI-B2S-81-4000-VA-12.5BAR-SS
- 4 Nos. of EEHI-B2S-100-5000-VA-12.5BAR-SS
- 3 Nos. of EEHI-B2S-120-6000-VA-12.5BAR-SS
- 3 Nos. of TP40-190/2 B A-F-ZBQQE
- 6 Nos. of Hydro Plus Duo TM 750
- 4 Nos. of Hydro Plus Duo TM 1000
- Blue Box – Precision AC
- 32 Nos. of Multiple CW and Dual Coil units
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[wow_fleximage link=”http://greentechdoha.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2019/02/al-bayt-stadium-1.jpg”]
[wow_fleximage link=”http://greentechdoha.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2019/02/al-bayt-stadium-2.jpg”]